'cookieOptions = {...};' "" The Arts of Conversation: Stand­ard of Living

Sunday, 24 July 2016

Stand­ard of Living

If standard of living is your major objective, quality of life almost never improves, but if quality of life is your number one objective, your standard of living almost always improves. Zig Zagler

Human Development Index 10 Highest-Ranked Countries
(Source: Human Development Report 2002, United Nations Development Programme)
 United States

HDI: The Human Development Index (HDI) offers a global perspective on the question of how well people are living. Devised by the United Nations in the 1990's, the HDI is a composite of three different indicators:
(1) life expectancy at birth,
(2) education as measured by a combination of school enrollment and adult literacy, and
(3) standard of living as measured by a variation on GDP per capita that adjusts for price differences between countries (purchasing power parity in U.S. dollars).
The United Nations Human Development Report 2002 (http://www.undp.org/ hdro) lists HDI rankings for 173 countries.
It notes some alarming facts: • Nearly one billion of the world’s people don’t have  access to improved water sources; 2.4 billion lack access to basic sanitation. • Eleven million children under the age of five die each year from preventable causes. That’s equivalent to more than 30,000 deaths a day. • Approximately 1.2 billion people live on less than $1 a day; 2.8 billion live on less than $2 a day. But there were also some encouraging trends: • A child born in 2002 could expect to live eight years longer than one born in the early 1970s. • The share of rural families with access to safe water has grown more than fivefold since the early 1970s. • Between 1975 and 1998, average incomes in developing countries nearly doubled in real terms, from $1,300 to $2,500.
Standard of living refers to the level of wealth, comfort, material goods and necessities available to a certain socioeconomic class in a certain geographic area. The standard of living includes factors such as income, quality and availability of employment, class disparity, poverty rate, quality and affordability of housing, hours of work required to purchase necessities, gross domestic product, inflation rate, amount of leisure time every year, affordable (or free) access to quality healthcare, quality and availability of education, life expectancy, incidence of disease, cost of goods and services, infrastructure, national economic growth, economic and political stability, political and religious freedom, environmental quality, climate and safety. The standard of living is closely related to quality of life. In 2013, the Human Development Index ranked the top six countries for quality of living as: Norway, Australia, Switzerland, Netherlands, United States and Germany...
A measure of standard of living: The standard of living for a nation is sometimes measured by dividing its private consumption expenditure by its population. This expenditure represents the value of goods and services bought by individuals in a nation during a given period of time. This table lists per capita private consumption expenditures in U.S. dollars for 20 selected countries with measurable econo­mies.

Yet there is a generally accepted measure for standard of living: average real gross domestic product (GDP) per capita. Let's break it down piece by piece: GDPmeasures annual economic output — the total value of new goods and services produced within a country's borders.
For most of us, standard of living is a know-it-when-I-see-it concept. We might not be able to express it in precise terms, but we think we know it when we see it. Ask us to define it, and we’ll reel off a list of things we associate with living well: a nice car, a pleasant place to live, clothes, furniture, appliances, food, vacations, maybe even education. Ask us to measure it, and we’ll probably look at whether or not we’re “doing better” than our parents. Yet there is a generally accepted measure for standard of living: average real gross domestic product (GDP) per capita. Let’s break it down piece by piece: 
(a) GDP measures annual economic output — the total value of new goods and services produced within a country’s borders. 
(b) Real GDP is the inflation-adjusted value. 
(c) Average GDP per capita tells us how big each person’s share of GDP would be if we were to divide the total into equal portions.

The standard of living measures our material welfare. The baseline measure is real national output per head of population or real GDP per capita or gross national income per capita…

Standard of living usually refers to the economic level achieved by an individual, family, or nation. It may be measured by the value of the goods and services produced or used by the individual, family, or nation in a given period of time. Another interpretation of stand­ard of living is based on the goals that people set for themselves as consumers. That is, when people have enough material things for comfort and happiness, they have achieved their standard of living.
How standard of living is measured. There are several major ways of measuring standard of living. All present problems of interpretation. They do not always provide enough information or the right information.
A nation's living standard may be estimated by deter­mining the proportion of income that "average" citizens spend on certain basic necessities. One basis for com­parison is the amount spent for food. According to this measure, the greater the proportion of income spent on food by individuals in a nation, the lower the nation's liv­ing standard. But this measure provides only basic infor­mation and does not reveal anything about actual levels of consumption. Also, economists cannot easily deter­mine the proportion of individual incomes spent on food and nonfood items.
Another commonly used measure of the standard of living for a nation is obtained by dividing a figure called the private consumption expenditure by the population of the nation. The private consumption expenditure, also called the personal consumption expenditure, repre­sents the value of goods and services bought by individ­uals in the nation over a period of time. But this measure also has drawbacks.
The measure presents a figure for the average citizen of the nation. But such an average does not reveal the distribution of the standard of living in the nation. For example, two nations whose per capita (per person) con­sumption expenditures are valued, in U.S. dollars, at $1,000 each year may differ widely. In one nation, all the individuals may spend about $1,000 each. In the other nation, a few rich individuals may spend much more than $1,000 each and many poor individuals may spend much less than this. The second country has a poorer standard of living for most people, but the measure does not reflect it.
Another drawback to the private consumption meas­ure is that it is not reliable for making international com­parisons. There are several reasons for this problem. For one, the official exchange rate with the U.S. dollar may not accurately reflect the purchasing power of the local currency. Thus, $100 may actually buy very different amounts of goods in different nations. Second, the avail­ability of goods and services differs widely in different nations, a variation that directly affects the ability of the citizens to attain their goals as consumers. Third, nations differ in their ideas concerning consumption. The basic needs of individuals include food, clothing, and shelter. However, there are a number of needs that are re­garded as basic in some countries and as unimportant in others. Tastes and preferences also differ.
In addition, the private consumption expenditure does not account for some of the social costs associated with citizenship in an industrial society. Certain indus­trial nations—including Canada, Japan, the United States, and many countries of western Europe—are said to have the world's highest standard of living. But they also have pollution and overcrowding, which may make life unpleasant in parts of these nations.
Economists also measure standard of living in several other ways. They may divide the amount that a nation produces each year by the number of its population. They also may calculate the average personal income earned by people in a country. This average income, less the amount paid in taxes, shows how much people have to spend or save. It is often adjusted to take chang­ing prices into account. However, these measures of standard of living have some problems and limitations.
Area differences. Standards of living vary widely across the world. The world supports more than 5 bil­lion people. At the U.S. standard of consumption, the world produces enough grain for only about half the total population. By the Chinese standard, however, there is enough grain for about 7 billion people. West­ern Europe's level of grain consumption falls roughly halfway between those of the United States and China.
In fact, people in poor countries eat more grain than those in wealthy countries, where much grain is used as feed for animals.
Total food supplies also differ greatly among coun­tries. Some of these differences have been studied by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), a special­ized agency of the United Nations. For example, FAO es­timated that the United States had enough food during the late 1980's to provide each person in the country with 139 per cent of the total calories necessary every day. China had 117 per cent of the necessary total. Cana­da's food supply was 114 per cent of its needs, but India had only 93 per cent. Bangladesh had 89 per cent of the food required for its people, while in Mozambique there was only 71 per cent of the estimated needed minimum. More goods per person are consumed in industrial countries than in developing nations. In general, people in industrial nations enjoy better clothing and housing, greater educational opportunities, and more healthy food than people in chiefly agricultural countries. Related articles: Consumption, Income, National income, Cost of living, Industrial Revolution, Technology, Gross domestic product, Inflation, Wages and hours, and The American Standard of Living.

Search Results
Standard of living in Malaysia
Malaysia is a Southeast Asian country occupying parts of the Malay Peninsula and the island of Borneo. It's known for its beaches, rainforests and mix of Malay, Chinese, Indian and European cultural influences. The capital, Kuala Lumpur, is home to colonial buildings, busy shopping districts such as Bukit Bintang and skyscrapers such as the iconic, 451m-tall Petronas Twin Towers...
Cost of living in Malaysia is 43.56% lower than in United States (aggregate data for all cities, rent is not taken into account). Rent in Malaysia is 70.73% lower ...
Kuala Lumpur · Penang · Kota Kinabalu · Johor Baharu
It depends on the area you're going to live in. I'll give you the approximate cost of 2 major cities ... It is really difficult to maintain cost when living in a place full of temptations. Total monthly cost of living in Petaling Jaya or Kuala Lumpur :
List of prices in Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia) for food, housing, transportation, going out, and more on Oct 2016. Compare the Cost of Living in Kuala Lumpur with any other city in the world. ... Standard men's haircut in expat area of the city, RM36.
Are you moving to Malaysia? Do you know how much money you will need there to maintain your current standard of living? Find out what is the real equivalent ...
Malaysians do not yet use the internet as the standard way to book their trips and .... Employment opportunities are plenty and costs of living are relatively low.
The cost of living in Malaysia is relatively low compared to neighbouring countries such as Singapore. The main discrepancy in prices is evident when buying ...
The cost of living in Malaysia might seem low at first glance and especially when compared to some other countries, but the living costs have been on the rise ...
Malaysia is a rapidly developing country that combines excellent infrastructure and high-quality health care options with a very low cost of living ...
By Michelle Brohier Back in March 2013, the 2012 Household Income Survey announced that the Malaysian households' monthly income rose ...
Living in Malaysia - ExpatGo
As a new expat living in Malaysia, it can be a little daunting figuring out the banking ... Royal Bank of Scotland, UOB, and Standard Chartered Bank Malaysia.

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