'cookieOptions = {...};' "" The Arts of Conversation: Computer, Personal Computer and Computer Graphics

Thursday, 21 July 2016

Computer, Personal Computer and Computer Graphics

Computer technology, with its ability to transmit, store and retrieve individual data and messages "has now emerged as one of the major communication technologies in the world" (Chesebro & Bonsall, 1989, p. 30).  However, a distinction must be made between the use of the computer as a technology or as a tool with which to perform tasks such as wordprocessing or database retrieval, and its use as a medium of communication
According to Neil Postman (1986), while "a technology. . .is merely a machine," it "becomes a medium as it employs a symbolic code, as it finds its place in a particular social setting" (p. 86). Thus, "a medium is the social and intellectual environment a machine creates" (p. 86).  When people use their personal computers or workstations as a medium of communication, they use them to connect to a network of other users in order to exchange information and ideas within the medium's social and intellectual environment.
The Internet is one example of how the computer can be used as a medium of communication.  The Internet is "a collection of networks around the world that links military, university, and research sites. . . millions of computer [users] . . . participate in a kind of electronic village" (Ward, 1992, p. 99).
The growth of the Internet has increased so rapidly that estimates of how many people are using the Internet for military, university, and research projects ranges from two million (Hafner & Markoff, 1991) to three million users daily (Schoffstall, 1991).
Recognizing both the rapid growth of networking systems and the increased volume of messages sent and received over the networks, computer manufacturers and software developers are continuing to enhance the networking capabilities of their products.  These enhancements include enabling computer users who are connected to local and wide area networks to have the ability to share and receive documents and messages (Apple Computer, Inc., 1991; Norton & Schafer, 1992; Scherer, 1992).
There is no question that "the personal computer is gradually becoming the interpersonal computer" (Johansen, 1988, p. 1) and that with this shift, computerized communication is becoming "computer-user communication," transforming the manner and methods through which we communicate with one another.  The relation of the personal computer "to the user will change from that of an isolated productivity tool to that of an active collaborator in the acquisition, use and creation of information, as well as a facilitator of human interaction" (Tesler, 1991, p. 86). Clearly, it is time to examine how the use of the computer as a medium of communication affects the process of human communication.  This paper will specifically examine how the introduction and use of "groupware" not only extends our traditional definitions of human communication systems (interpersonal and small group), but it also challenges our definition of mediated communication.  Further, this paper examines how groupware users create a new social and intellectual symbolic environment which the authors herein refer to as "interpersonal text."...
Computer a Medium of Mass Communication
A computer remains your personal until and unless your work on it benefits you alone but when you put something on it in the form of a blog or a website which is accessible to anyone who wants then it becomes a Mass medium of Communication.….

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Computers in Communication
Computer-mediated Communication
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Computer terms:
Binary code is used by computers to represent information. It consists of the 0's and I s of the binary numeration system.
Bit, an abbreviation of the term 6/nary digit may be either the digit 0 or 1.
Byte is a group of bits that act as a single unit of information, such as a letter or numeral.
Database is an organized collection of information stored on a magnetic disk or other direct-access storage device.
File storage device is any device used to save information until it is needed again.
Hardware refers to the physical parts of a computer system. Input is any information that a user enters into a computer. Mainframe is a large, powerful computer that many people can use at once. It can store large amounts of information.
Memory is the part of a computer that stores information. Microprocessor is a miniature electronic device consisting of thousands of transistors and related circuitry on a silicon chip. The device holds the processor and some memory.
Modem is a device that allows computer users to communicate with one another over telephone lines.
Network is a system consisting of two or more computers con­nected by high-speed communication lines.
Operating system is a type of software that controls the opera­tion of a computer system.
Output is any result provided by a computer.
Peripheral equipment consists of input devices, output de­vices, and file storage devices.
Personal computer is a desktop or handheld computer de­signed for general-purpose use.
Program is a set of instructions to be carried out by a com­puter, written in a computer language.
Simulation is the representation or imitation of a situation or system on a computer, usually with a mathematical model. The purpose is to predict and analyse what is likely to occur under various conditions.
Software refers to the programs used by a computer to per­form desired tasks.
How a computer works. Computer systems come in a wide range of sizes and contain varying types of equipment. Nevertheless, ail digital computers work essentially the same way. The diagram above illustrates the flow of information through a personal computer system. A human oper­ator uses input equipment to provide data and instructions to the computer. The processor then performs calculations on the data, while the memory stores information during processing. The results then are sent to the output equipment, which presents them to the user. File storage devices enable information to be saved for future use.
Computers come in a wide range of sizes. A mainframe computer system may fill a large room. A personal computer fits on a desk top. Computers are con­trolled by a microprocessor, a chip that fits through the eye of a needle.
Computers enable engi­neers to predict how a ma­chine will work. The photo­graph on the left shows a computer image of a car being tested for wind resistance.
A computer simulation can accurately represent an operation, situation, or system. The first three photographs above show computer-generated images of a bomb's nose cone striking a steel plate. The fourth photograph—which shows an actual nose cone after a test—reveals the great ac­curacy of the computer simulation.
Computer-aided design programs are important in many fields. An engineer uses a light pen to modify the design of an aeroplane. A fashion designer can consider her de­sign in various colours and patterns on a computer screen.
Computers use X-ray data to generate three-dimensional images of body parts such as the human spine. The images help doctors identify disorders without performing surgery.
Schools use computers as a teaching aid. An elementary school teacher and his students work at a computer.
Computers help meteorologists forecast the weather by solving equations that describe the behaviour of the atmosphere.
Computer games entertain children and adults. Many games display detailed moving pictures on monitors or TV screens.
An integrated circuit contains all of the tiny devices that make up the processor on a single, tiny chip. This photograph, taken through a microscope, shows a portion of such a chip.
Programming languages enable people to write instructions that a computer can translate and execute. The languages allow the programmer to concentrate on the basic ideas of an operation, instead of on the details of what the machine must do. The BASIC and APL programs shown above both contain instructions for finding the average of a list of numbers. The steps in machine lan­guage show how a computer interprets and executes this type of program in any language.
Computer firms manufac­ture hardware, software, and supplies. In this picture, qual­ity control workers check computers on an assembly line.
A repair specialist services a personal computer. Many computer makers and dealers provide repair services.
Computer programmers write instructions for computers to follow. This programmer is entering a program into a computer.
The punched-card tabulating machine invented by Herman Hollerith was the first successful computer. It was used to com­pute the results of the 1890 United States census.
ENIAC, completed in 1946, was the first general-purpose electronic digital computer. The enormous machine was invented by J. Presper Eckert, Jr., and John W. Mauchly.
IBM's personal computer introduced in 1981, enjoyed great success. The small size and low cost of the computers made them popular among individuals, schools, and businesses.
A supercomputer can solve large, complicated numerical problems with amazing speed. The Cray supercom­puter shown above generated a detailed image of part of the main engine of a space shuttle.

Computer is a machine that performs calculations and processes information with astonishing speed and pre­cision. A computer can handle vast amounts of informa­tion and solve complicated problems. It can take thou­sands of individual pieces of data and turn them into more usable information—with blinding speed and al­most unfailing accuracy. The most powerful computers can perform billions of calculations per second.
Computers have changed the way people work. They handle many tasks in business, education, manufactur­ing, transportation, and other fields. Many tedious tasks performed by large numbers of clerical workers are now done by computers. They provide scientists and other researchers with a clearer understanding of na­ture. They give people who work with words an effec­tive way to create documents. They enable designers and artists to see things that have never been seen be­fore. Computers produce new information so quickly and accurately that they are changing people's views of the world. People can access large electronic databases remotely. For these and other reasons, the computer is one of the most interesting and important machines ever invented.
The most common type of computer, by far, is the digital computer. Digital means having to do with num­bers. Digital computers perform tasks by changing one set of numbers into another set. All data — numerals, pic­tures, sounds, symbols, and words — are translated into numbers inside the computer. Everything a digital computer can do is based on its ability to perform simple procedures on numbers—such as adding, subtracting, or comparing two numbers to see which is larger. Digi­tal computers are so widespread that the word com­puter alone almost always refers to a digital computer. The largest digital computers are parts of computer sys­tems that fill a large room. The smallest digital computers — some so tiny they can pass through the eye of a needle — are found inside wristwatches, pocket cal­culators, and other devices.
All digital computers have two basic parts — a memory and a processor. The memory receives data and holds them until needed. The memory is made up of a huge collection of switches. The processor changes data into useful information by converting numbers into other numbers. It reads numbers from the memory, performs basic arithmetic calculations such as addition or sub­traction, and puts the answer back into the memory. The processor performs this activity over and over until the desired result is achieved. Both the memory and the processor are electronic — that is, they work by sending electrical signals through wires.
The smallest digital computers consist only of the memory and the processor. But larger digital computers are part of systems that also contain input equipment and output equipment. The operator uses an input de­vice, such as a keyboard, to enter instructions and data into the computer. After processing is complete, an out­put device translates the processed data into a form understandable to the user—words or pictures, for ex­ample. Typical output devices include printers and vis­ual displays that resemble television screens.
People can think about problems and figure out how to solve them. But computers cannot think. A person must tell the computer in very simple terms exactly what to do with the data it receives. A list of instructions for a computer to follow is called a program.
People have used calculating devices since ancient times. The first electronic digital computer, built in 1946, filled a huge room. Since then, rapid improvements in computer technology have led to the development of smaller, more powerful, and less expensive computers.
In addition to digital computers, there are two other general types of computers: analog computers and hy­brid computers. Analog computers work directly with a physical quantity, such as weight or speed, rather than with digits that represent the quantity. Such computers solve problems by measuring a quantity, such as tem­perature, in terms of another quantity, such as the length of a thin line of liquid in a thermometer. Hybrid computers combine the features of analog and digital computers. They have many of the same kinds of parts as an analog computer. But like digital computers, they process data by manipulating numbers. This article fo­cuses on digital computers. For information on analog computers, see Analog computer.
The importance of the computer
Computers are tremendously important in a variety of ways. For example, they simplify many difficult or time- consuming tasks to an extraordinary degree. They pro­vide businesses, governments, individuals, and institu­tions with an efficient way to manage large amounts of information. Computers also help people to understand things better by allowing them to make models and test theories.
The value of computers lies in their ability to perform certain basic tasks extremely quickly and accurately. These tasks include (1) solving numerical problems, (2) storing and retrieving information, and (3) creating and displaying documents and pictures.
Solving numerical problems. One of the most im­portant and most difficult jobs performed by computers is the solution of complicated problems involving num­bers. Computers can solve such problems amazingly quickly. In many cases, the solutions show how certain things work, behave, or happen.
In engineering and the sciences, the knowledge of how something works is often expressed in the form of an equation. An equation is a two-part mathematical sentence in which the parts are equal to each other. En­gineers and scientists use equations or groups of equa­tions to show how various things relate to one another. They use the solutions to these equations to predict what will happen if certain elements of a situation or an experiment are changed. Engineers and scientists rely on computers to solve the complicated sets of equa­tions that they use to make predictions.
For example, with the help of a computer, an engi­neer can predict how well an aeroplane will fly. A large, complex set of equations expresses the relationships be­tween the various parts of an aeroplane and what hap­pens when the aeroplane flies. The engineer enters the numbers for the size and weight of a certain aeroplane's parts. The computer then solves the equations for this particular aeroplane. Based on the solutions, the engi­neer can predict how well the plane will fly. The engi­neer then might decide to change the size or weight of one of the aeroplane's parts to change the way it flies. Thus, the computer helps the engineer simulate (imitate) various conditions.
Computers help people develop and test scientific theories. A theory is a proposed explanation for how or why something happens. Theories, like known relation­ships, are often expressed as equations. Some equations are so complicated or time-consuming to solve that it would be impossible to develop the theory without the help of computers. Computers are particularly useful in developing and evaluating theories about things that are difficult to observe and measure.
For example, an astronomer can use the problem ­solving ability of computers to develop theories about how galaxies are formed. First, the astronomer proposes a set of equations about a group of stars. A computer performs the calculations needed to solve the equa­tions. The astronomer can then use the solutions to pre­dict the shape of the galaxy that the stars should form if the theory is correct. To test the theory, the astronomer can observe a real galaxy to see if it has the predicted shape. If the galaxy's shape agrees with the theory, the astronomer becomes more convinced that the theory is correct. If the galaxy's shape does not agree with the theory, the theory is wrong. The equations must be changed, and new calculations must be performed.
In economics and finance, computers solve equa­tions to make predictions about money. Many of the equations that economists and business people use to make long-range predictions are extremely complicated.
But some of the most widely used of all computer pro­grams rely on fairly simple equations. Such programs help people and businesses work out their taxes, create budgets, and calculate the value of their investments.
Storing and retrieving information. People use computers to store unbelievably large quantities of in­formation. Information stored in a computer is some­times called a database. Databases can be enormous— for example, a country's entire census might be con­tained in a single database. A computer can search a huge database quickly to find a specific piece of infor­mation. In addition, the information can be changed eas­ily and quickly—often in less than a second.
The efficiency with which computers store and re­trieve information makes them valuable in a wide range of professions. For example, scientists use computers to store and quickly find results of experiments. Libraries use computer catalogues to hold information about their collections. Hospitals use computers to maintain records about their patients. Governments store elec­tion returns and census information on computers.
All kinds of businesses rely on computers to store large quantities of information about their employees, customers, and products. Computers also allow markets for stocks, bonds, currency, and other investments to keep track of current prices around the world. Banks maintain many kinds of records on computers, such as account balances and credit card information. Anyone who uses an automatic teller machine (ATM) is using a computer terminal. When an identification card and number are entered, the ATM can provide account information, dispense cash, and transfer funds between accounts.
Creating and displaying documents and pictures. Computers can store a huge number of words in a way makes it easy to manipulate them. For this reason,
word processing is one of the most important and widespread uses of computers. A word-processing program allows people to type words into a computer to write articles, books, letters, reports, and other kinds of docu­ments.
Word-processing programs make it easy for people to change text that has been typed into a computer. For example, they can quickly correct typing or spelling er­rors. Words, sentences, and entire sections of a docu­ment can be added, removed, or rearranged. If a com­puter is connected to a printer, the document may be printed onto paper at any time. Business people, jour­nalists, lawyers, scientists, secretaries, and students are among those who benefit from word-processing pro­grams.
Computers are also important in the publishing in­dustry. For example, most books, magazines, and news­papers are typeset by computers. In addition, a process known as desktop publishing enables people to design and produce newsletters and other documents on per­sonal computers. Documents that have been created in this manner look almost as if they have been profession­ally typeset.
Computer graphics—the use of computers to make pictures—make up one of the most fascinating and fastest-growing areas of computer use. Computers can produce pictures that look almost like photographs.
First, the computer solves equations that predict how an object should look. It then uses these predictions to dis­play a picture on a computer terminal screen or to print a picture on paper.
Computer programs that perform computer-aided design (CAD) are important in many fields, particularly engineering and architecture. CAD programs create pic­tures or diagrams of a new object. They then solve equations to predict how the object will work. Engi­neers and architects use CAD programs to design aero­planes, bridges, buildings, cars, electronic machinery, and many other machines and structures.
Computers also can produce pictures by converting information into pictorial form. The pictures can serve a variety of purposes. For example, computers enable business people, economists, and scientists to plot graphs from lists of numbers.
In a technique called computerized tomography, or the CT scan, a computer uses X-ray data to construct an image of a body part on a screen. Doctors use these im­ages to diagnose diseases and disorders (see Comput­erized tomography). Sophisticated radar systems use computers to produce detailed pictures, often for mili­tary use.
Computer graphics also are used to create electronic video games. Terminal monitors or TV screens can dis­play game boards and moving pictures. The player may use a keyboard or some other device, such as a mouse or a joystick, to play computer games.
Computer designers are experimenting with using computer graphics to create virtual reality — an artificial world in which the computer user can seemingly move about and handle objects. One virtual reality system has a headset with two tiny display screens, one screen for each eye. Images on the screens produce a three- dimensional view. Sensing devices contained in a spe­cial glove tell the computer when the user moves the fingers or hand. The computer then changes the images to create the illusion of, for example, opening a door.
The images do not have nearly the detail of what is seen in the actual world. In addition, there is a delay be­tween hand movements and the corresponding changes in the images. However, virtual reality has a variety of applications. These applications range from simple game sets to sophisticated equipment used to control robots.
Other uses. Many complex machines need frequent adjustments to work efficiently. Small computers can be installed inside these machines and programmed to make these adjustments. In modern cars, such embed­ded (enclosed) computers control certain aspects of op­eration, such as the mixture of fuel and air entering the engine. Today's commercial airliners and military planes carry computers that help control the aircraft. Embed­ded computers also control the movements of industrial robots and are used to guide modern weapons systems such as missiles and field artillery, to their targets.
Computers can help solve many complicated prob­lems that do not involve numerical equations. Doctors, for example, investigate illnesses, decide on diagnoses, and prescribe treatments. They solve such problems by applying their knowledge and experience, not by solv­ing equations. A branch of computer science called arti­ficial intelligence uses programs that help solve prob­lems by applying human knowledge and experience. Artificial intelligence systems called expert systems en­able computers programmed with vast amounts of data to "think" about numerous possibilities—such as dis­eases that certain symptoms could indicate—and make a decision or diagnosis.
Computers also can be used to communicate infor­mation over long distances. They can send information to each other over telephone lines. As a result, comput­ers keep banks, newspapers, and other institutions sup­plied with up-to-the-minute information. A computer network consists of many computers in separate rooms, buildings, cities, or countries, all connected together. Computer networks allow people to communicate by using electronic mail—a document typed into one com­puter and "delivered" to another. Such documents gen­erally travel in only a few minutes, even if they are being sent over a long distance.
Computers also are used in teaching. Programs that perform computer-aided instruction (CA1) are designed to help students at all levels, from elementary school to the university level. The student sits at a computer termi­nal. The terminal's screen displays a question for the stu­dent to answer. If the answer is wrong or incomplete, the computer may ask the student to try again. It then may supply the correct answer and an explanation. CAI is also used in some adult education programs and as part of the employee-training programs of some corpo­rations.
Basic principles of computers
A computer receives individual pieces of data, changes the data into more useful information, and then tells the operator what the information is. For example, a person who wants to find the sum of four numbers en­ters them into the computer. In only a fraction of a sec­ond, signals that represent these numbers are changed into signals that represent the sum. The computer then displays the sum for the user.
How a computer operates. People use input de­vices to enter data into computers. One of the most common input devices is the computer terminal, which looks like a typewriter keyboard combined with a televi­sion screen. Data that are typed on the keyboard appear on the screen. At the same time, the data go to the memory. The memory also stores a program—the step-by- step series of instructions for the computer to follow. The processor manipulates the data according to the program.
The processed information is sent to an output de­vice, which presents it to the computer user. In many cases, the computer terminal that served as the input device also acts as the output device, and its screen dis­plays the results. Printers are another important kind of output device. File storage devices are used to save in­formation and programs for future use.
All data handled by computers, including words, enter the processor in the form of digits. Computers commonly use the digits of the binary numeration sys­tem (see Numeration systems (the binary system). Unlike the familiar decimal system, which uses 10 digits, the binary system uses only two digits: 0 and 1. These digits are called bits. Different combinations of bits rep- t- resent letters, symbols, and decimal numerals. Each such combination of bits is called a byte. For example, according to one standard code, the binary representa­tion for the letter A is 100 0001, while the binary repre­sentation for the letter Z is 101 1010. Each symbol and decimal numeral also is represented by a specific com­bination of 0's and l's.
Each of a computer's thousands of tiny electronic cir­cuits operates much like an ordinary light switch. When a circuit is off, it corresponds to the binary digit 0. When a circuit is on, it corresponds to the digit 1. Binary digits, like decimal numbers, can be added, subtracted, multi­plied, and divided. Thus, a computer can perform all the basic arithmetic operations.
Computer hardware and software. The physical equipment that makes up a computer system is called hardware. Hardware includes input and output devices, file storage devices, the memory, and the processor.
The input and output devices and the file storage de­vices are also known as peripheral equipment.
Computer software consists of the programs that a computer uses to perform a task. People can either create or purchase software. Computers have vast and varied capabilities because of the many different kinds of available software.
Kinds of computers
Computers vary widely in size, speed, and ability. The size of a computer partly determines the kinds and num­ber of jobs it can do. But even a small computer can perform complicated tasks. For example, a modern desktop computer has more computing power than the huge, room-filling computers of the early 1960's.
The microprocessor— an electronic device consisting °f thousands of transistors and related circuitry on a sili­con chip—plays an important role in almost all modern computers. A single microprocessor has the computing power of a larger computer but generally costs far less. The small size and relatively low cost of microproces­sors have made them valuable as components in com­puter systems.
Digital computers may be grouped into three catego­ries: (1) embedded computers, (2) personal computers and workstations, and (3) mainframes. The borders be­tween these categories change constantly as smaller, more powerful computers are developed.
Embedded computers control the operation of vari­ous types of machinery. Virtually all embedded comput­ers are microprocessors. Such machines as cars, digital wristwatches, telephones, and videotape recorders con­tain embedded computers.
Personal computers and workstations are com­puters used by one person at a time. Such a computer usually fits on a desk top, and some personal computers can be held on the lap or in the hands. People com­monly use personal computers for such activities as word processing, storing and updating information, performing simple calculations, and playing computer games. These computers also are valuable to business people, who use them to manage information about their inventories, sales figures, customers, and employ­ees.
Personal computers contain one or more microproc­essors. By modern standards of computer speed and capacity, personal computers execute programs slowly and have limited memory and file storage capacity. Workstations are more powerful than personal com­puters, and better suited to solving difficult engineering, graphics, or scientific problems. Workstations are gen­erally connected to form computer networks. These net­works allow operators to exchange information very rapidly. They also enable printers and file storage de­vices to be shared by many workstations. One important type of computer network, the local area network (LAN), connects workstations located within the same building or in neighbouring buildings. A wide area network (WAN) links workstations over large areas.
Mainframes are fast computers with large memories and file storage systems. These powerful computers solve very complicated problems and manage huge quantities of information. Most mainframes are housed in several large cabinets. Some mainframes do a single job, such as copying and storing the information gener­ated by a laboratory experiment. Others perform many different tasks. Minicomputers and superminis have many of the capabilities of mainframes, but they are smaller and less expensive.
On a large mainframe, hundreds of people may be logged on (running programs) at one time. The use of a single powerful computer by many users at once is called time sharing. The mainframe appears to run many programs at the same time. However, the computer ac­tually switches rapidly from program to program, doing a bit of work on one and then hurrying on to work on another.
The fastest mainframes are called supercomputers. Supercomputers solve numerical problems as quickly as possible based on existing technology. They are used to model weather systems, to design cars and aircraft, and in many other ways. But supercomputers are rare, because they are extremely expensive. Individual super­computer users—mostly scientists and engineers at large scientific installations—sometimes run programs by means of long-distance computer networks.
In recent years, mainframes known as parallel com­puters have provided great increases in speed over other computers. Most computers have a single proces­sor. But a parallel computer has many processors that all operate at once. Each processor can work on a separate piece of a program. As a result, the program can be run much more quickly than on a computer with only one processor. The fastest supercomputers in the world are parallel computers. But parallel computers may even serve as especially fast workstations.
How a computer works
Computers can perform many different activities be­cause they can store huge lists of numbers and do arith­metic very rapidly. All computers work essentially the same way. A computer encodes (translates) numbers, words, pictures, sounds, and other forms of data into the 0's and Vs of the binary numeration system. The computer's processor manipulates the binary numbers according to specified instructions. All changes of the data are accomplished by performing arithmetical calcu­lations on these binary numbers. Thus, the binary num­bers that represent the data are changed into binary numbers that represent the desired information. The re­sults are decoded 'translated back] from binary numbe into decimal numbers, words, pictures, or some other form.
The operation of a computer can be broken down into three steps. They are (11 entering and encoding data and instructions, (2) processing data, and (3) decoding the results and producing output. The storing of infor­mation occurs during all three steps of the computing process.
Entering and encoding data and instructions is performed using input equipment. This section explains how the computer encodes data entered through a ter­minal. It also describes a number of other input devices
Terminals enable computer users to type characters (letters and numerals) directly into the computer. A ter­minal includes a keyboard unit and a monitor. The moni­tor usually consists of a cathode-ray tube (CRT). A CRT is a vacuum tube with a screen like that of a television (see Vacuum tube). The CRT display makes it possible for the user to check the data being entered into the computer and to make corrections if necessary.
As each character is typed, the circuitry inside the ter­minal puts the character's binary code into a temporary storage location called a buffer. As soon as a code ap­pears in the buffer, the processor executes an instruc­tion that moves it from the buffer to the computer's memory. The monitor also has a buffer. Whenever the processor sends a code into this buffer, the correspond­ing character appears on the screen.
Other input devices are also used with monitors. For example, some terminals enable users to communicate with the computer by drawing pictures or diagrams di­rectly on the screen with a light pen. Such units encode drawings directly from the monitor. A device called a mouse can be used to give commands to a computer. When this handheld box is moved on a flat surface, it causes a pointer to point at a specific instruction or piece of data displayed on a monitor. Clicking a button on the mouse causes the instruction to be carried out or the data to be moved or changed.
Modems are devices that allow computers to com­municate with other computers by using telephone lines. A modem translates binary codes into tones. At the other end of the line, another modem translates these tones back into digital data.
Disk drives and tape drives perform many functions in the operation of the computer. One of these functions is providing input in binary form. A disk drive is a ma­chine that, among other things, reads 0's and 1's that are magnetically encoded onto disks. This information then goes to the buffer and the memory. A disk system pro­vides quick and direct access to specific information lo­cated anywhere on a disk. Flexible magnetic disks called floppy disks or diskettes are widely used to provide input to personal computers. Hard disks are used with larger computer systems, as well as with some personal computers.
Tape drives and magnetic tapes work in much the same way. However, a tape must be unwound or re­wound to the location that contains the desired information. As a result, it takes longer to read information from a tape than from a disk.
Optical scanners also read data and instructions. Some scanners optically sense bar codes and other marks printed on identification and library cards, gro­cery items, or documents. They then change these codes into electrical signals. Other scanners read infor­mation from compact discs or optical disks. Such disks contain digitally encoded information that can be read by a laser beam.
Other input devices include a joystick for moving fig­ures about on a screen and a graphic tablet consisting of a pad and a special pen for producing illustrations. Such devices are used with some personal computers. Voice activators enable computers to understand spo­ken words. Some mainframes obtain input by means of card readers, which take information from punched cards. The pattern of punches represents letters, num­bers, and other symbols. Card readers once were popu­lar, but today they are used less frequently.
Processing data. The processor, also called the cen­tral processing unit or CPU, is the heart of the computer. It manipulates the binary numbers that represent input according to a program, and converts them into binary numbers that represent the desired result.
Since the development of the integrated circuit in the WCTs, the processor in many computers is contained °n a single microprocessor—a silicon chip no larger than a fingernail (see Integrated circuit). All the devices and wires that make up the processor are packed onto the surface of the chip. Silicon is one of a group of mate­rials called semiconductors (see Semiconductor). The circuitry on the chip contains many tiny devices called transistors. A transistor can either stop electric current or allow it to flow (see Transistor). The processor of a computer consists of two parts: (1) the control unit and (2) the digital logic unit.
The control unit directs and coordinates the opera­tions of the entire computer according to instructions stored in the memory. The control unit must select the instructions in proper order because their sequence de­termines each step in the operations. Each set of instruc­tions is expressed through a binary operation code that specifies exactly what must be done to complete a job. The operation code also provides information that tells where data for the processing operation are stored in the memory. The control unit interprets the instructions and relays commands to the logic unit. It also regulates the flow of data between the memory and the logic unit and routes processed information to output or file stor­age devices.
The digital logic unit sometimes known as the arithmetic/logic unit or ALU, manipulates data received from the memory. It carries out all the functions and logic processes required to solve a problem. Computers use logic to perform arithmetical calculations—addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.
In the digital logic unit, electronic circuits called reg­isters temporarily store data from the memory. The data consist of electrical signals that represent binary digits. An electrical signal that has a low voltage level repre­sents 0, and a signal that has a high voltage level repre­sents 1.
To carry out an arithmetical calculation, the electrical signal for each input travels on a wire to another circuit. The answer comes out on a wire from the other end of the circuit. There are a number of basic circuits. Three such circuits are the AND-gate, the OR-gate, and the NOT-gate or inverter. The basic circuits are combined in different ways to perform arithmetic and logic opera­tions with electrical signals that represent binary digits. For example, one combination of logic circuits performs addition. Another combination compares two numbers and then acts on the result of the comparison.
After an operation has been completed, the result may be sent to the memory for storage until it is needed for another operation. In many cases, the result is sent to an output device or a file storage device.
Decoding the results and producing output. Peo­ple use output equipment to get information from com­puters. Output equipment translates the electrical sig­nals that represent binary numbers into a form that the user can understand. Often, it also serves as input equipment. There are many types of output devices, such as terminals, printers, modems, and disk and tape drives.
Terminals, in addition to serving as input equipment, display output on the monitor. As information travels from the processor to the terminal, it moves through the buffer that was used in the input function. On a terminal,
a user can receive data in the form of words, numbers graphs, or pictures.
Printers produce output on paper. Like terminals printers have buffers. To print a character, the processor puts the binary code for that character into the printers buffer. The printer prints the character that corresponds to the code. Some printers operate much like typewrit­ers. Others use heat, special chemicals, lasers, or combi­nations of these methods to place characters on paper
Modems, which translate sounds into binary num­bers during the input function, can also provide output by translating binary numbers into sounds. As a result they enable users to receive information from distant computers.
Disk drives and tape drives also serve as both input and output equipment. Magnetic disks and tapes re­ceive output in binary form. The drives interpret binary information from disks and tapes and present it to the user, often on a monitor. Output data presented on disks and tapes can easily be put back in the computer when needed.
Other output devices include plotters, key punch ma­chines, and audio devices. Plotters use pens to create drawings, diagrams, and graphs on paper or clear plas­tic. Key punch machines record data by punching holes in cards or paper tape. Audio devices produce spoken words through a type of telephone or loudspeaker. Such devices are becoming increasingly important.
Storing information. Computers can store informa­tion in two types of locations during the computing process—the memory and file storage devices. Memory, which is built into the computer, holds instructions and data during processing. File storage devices provide long-term storage of large amounts of information.
Memory, also called the internal memory or main memory, stores information and programs inside the computer. The memory receives data and instructions from an input device or a file storage device. It also re­ceives information from the processor. The memory stores only the information that is currently needed by the processor. After the processor has finished with it, the information is transferred to file storage devices for permanent storage or sent directly to an output device for immediate use.
The devices and wires that make up the memory can be built from integrated circuits that fit onto one or more chips. The circuits, wires, and transistors form many memory cells capable of storing binary digits. These cells are arranged into groups. Each group is as­signed an address— a number that makes it possible to locate specific pieces of information quickly.
File storage devices, also called auxiliary storage units, can store huge amounts of information for long periods of time. Such units are slower than the memory that is built into the computer. But they can hold much more information, and they are less expensive. For this reason, file storage devices are commonly used to store large quantities of data, programs, and processed infor­mation.
The most important file storage devices are magnetic disks and magnetic tapes. Disks and tapes are operated by disk drives and tape drives, which also serve as input and output equipment. These units encode data onto signals that represent the 0's and I s of binary code into magnetism. Every 0 is represented on the disk or tape by a little magnet pointing in a certain direction, and every 1 by a magnet pointing in the opposite direction. To read information from a disk or tape, the drive unit translates the magnetic signals into electrical signals and sends them to the memory. Magnetic disks are said to be random-access devices because any part of the in­formation on them can be inspected or replaced with ease.
Some other types of file storage devices contain read­only memory (ROM)— information that the computer cannot change. ROM units may consist of a compact disc, a cartridge, or a silicon chip. They are used to store large databases and programs for computer games.
Programming a computer
Programming involves the preparation and writing of detailed instructions for a computer. These instructions tell the computer exactly what data to use and what se­quence of operations to perform with the data. Without programs, a computer could not solve problems or de­liver any other desired result.
Some people prepare their own computer programs. But in many cases, computer scientists and other com­puter specialists called programmers write instructions for computers. They use programming languages that consist of letters, words, and symbols, as well as rules for combining those elements.
A computer cannot work directly with a program written in a programming language. The instructions must be translated into a machine language composed of binary digits. These digits represent operation codes, memory addresses, and various symbols, such as plus and minus signs. Machine language is also known as low-level language.
Special programs called compilers and assemblers translate programming languages into machine lan­guage. Another special type of program called an oper­ating system contains instructions for the operation of a computer. It controls the input and output devices, and it reads and responds to user commands. It also places programs and data into the memory and makes sure that the processor executes the right programs. Thus, the operating system combines the many separate parts of a computer into a single useful system.
Compilers, assemblers, and operating systems may be viewed as "smart (intelligent) programs" because they enable a computer to understand complicated instruc­tions. The user communicates with the smart program, and the smart program communicates with the com­puter. A computer combined with a smart program acts like a different, smarter computer. This combination is called a virtual machine.
Preparing a program begins with a complete de­scription of the job that the computer is to perform. This job description is obtained from the person for whom the program is being prepared, such as a business man­ager or an engineer. It explains what input data are needed, what computing must be done, and what the output should be. Computer programmers use the de­scription to prepare diagrams and other pictorial aids that represent the steps needed to complete the task. The programmers may produce a diagram called a sys­tems flow chart that shows how all the major parts of the job fit together systematically.
After a computer program is written, it is tested on the computer for mistakes. Computer experts refer to mistakes in programs as "bugs" and the testing of pro­grams as "debugging."
A program generally is entered into a computer in what is known as an interactive environment. In such an environment, the programmer enters part of the pro­gram on a computer terminal. The computer's operating system responds immediately, telling the programmer how the computer will interpret each instruction. The programmer then can analyse each response. Programs that result from this interaction between the program­mer and the computer generally are stored on some type of file storage device until needed.
Using programming languages. Computers appear to work directly with programming languages. But the smart program, not the computer, actually understands these languages. The smart program translates a pro­gram into machine language. It then enters the trans­lated version into the computer's memory. The proces­sor reads and executes each translated instruction.
There are many different high-level programming lan­guages. Some of them closely resemble the language of mathematics. Others enable programmers to use sym­bols and various everyday expressions, such as "READ," "PRINT," and "STOP." All high-level languages are de­signed to let the programmer concentrate on the basic ideas of a task rather than on the details.
The language that a programmer uses depends largely on the job to be done. If a task involves process­ing business data, the programmer would most likely use COBOL (COmmon business Oriented language). However, programming a computer to solve compli­cated scientific problems might require the use of a mathematically oriented language, such as FORTRAN (Formula 772/Wslation).
Some high-level languages can be used for business, technical, or scientific programming. Such languages in­clude APL (A Programming language); C; and LISP iLISt Processor).
Another commonly used programming language is BASIC (beginner's 411-purpose symbolic Instruction Code). BASIC is well suited for writing relatively simple programs for personal computers. Many primary schools and secondary schools that offer a course in programming teach BASIC because it is easy to learn and to use. Pascal, named after the French mathemati­cian and scientist Blaise Pascal, also is taught in a large number of schools.
Some computer programs may be written in an as­sembly language. This kind of language is harder to use than a high-level language. The programmer must state each instruction very precisely, with much more detail than is needed when using a high-level language.
The computer industry
The manufacture, development, sales, and servicing of computer hardware and software make up one of the largest and most important industries in the world. Gov­ernments, institutions, and virtually all industries rely upon computers. By the year 2000, the computer indus­try is expected to be the second largest industry in the world in terms of annual revenue. Only agriculture will be larger.
The first commercial digital computers were manu­factured in the 1950's. Throughout the 1950's, as the im­portance of computers increased, people's acceptance of them increased as well. More than 10,000 computers were in operation by 1961. Ten years later, the number of computers exceeded 100,000. By 1990, there were about 100 million data-processing computers—that is, computers that require input and output equipment-in operation worldwide.
The United States has the largest computer industry in the world, employing more than 1 million people, it also has more computers than any other country—more than 50 million, or about half the world's computers. Japan ranks second with more than 9 million computers, about 11 per cent of the world total. European countries account for nearly 25 per cent of all computers.
The economic growth of the computer industry has matched the increase in the number of computers. The United States produced about $1 billion worth of com­puters in 1958. Ten years later, the figure had reached 54.8 billion. By 1978, United States manufacturers pro­duced more than $16.6 billion worth of computer equip­ment each year.
In the late 1970's, the computer industry's rate of growth increased dramatically. Advances in both com­puter technology and manufacturing technology en­abled the United States to sell computers worth more than $30 billion in 1981. By 1990, the U.S. computer in­dustry's annual revenues had topped $100 billion, and they continued to grow.
Manufacturing. From a few dozen companies in the early 1960's, the computer industry has grown to more than 10,000 firms around the world. These companies manufacture computers and such peripheral equipment as modems and printers. They also develop and publish software and provide various computer supplies, such as magnetic disks.
Some companies produce entire computer systems, ranging from personal computers to supercomputers. A large number of companies manufacture computer components, including processors. Some companies produce input and output equipment, such as terminals and printers. Other important products of the computer industry include equipment that increases a computer's abilities to provide visual and audio output, and the net­work boards and cables used to create computer net­works.
The largest computer manufacturer in the United States—and the world—is International Business Ma­chines Corporation (IBM). By the late 1980's, IBM's an­nual sales had topped $50 billion. Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC) ranks second in the United States, with more than $9 billion in sales in 1988. Unisys is the third largest U.S. manufacturer, with more than $7 bil­lion in annual sales in the late 1980's. Other leading U.S. computer companies include Apple, Compaq, Cray, Tandy, and Zenith.
The largest computer manufacturer outside the United States is Japan's Fujitsu, followed closely by NEC Corporation, also of Japan. Each company had sales of more than $9 billion in 1988. The leading computer companies in Europe include Croupe Bull of France, Italy's Olivetti, and Siemens AG of Germany.
Research and development. The constant increase in computer power is a major reason for the computer industry's success. Such increases in power result from computer science research and development, which take place at businesses and universities throughout the world.
One area of great interest to computer researchers and manufacturers is memory speed and capacity. As software becomes more complex, it requires more com­puter memory in order to operate properly. At the same time, sophisticated software can manipulate increas­ingly large amounts of data, which occupy more space in the computer's memory.
The storage of information files is another important area of study.- Researchers work to develop increasingly compact ways to store data, such as on magnetic disks, compact discs, or other devices.
Artificial intelligence is an exciting area of software research. Experts in this field design computer systems to perform tasks that appear to require intelligence, such as reasoning and learning. In this manner, artificial intelligence experts hope to increase the ability of com­puters to respond to problems in a "human" manner.
See Artificial intelligence.
Sales. Computers are sold in a variety of ways. Large manufacturers of computers have teams of sales profes­sionals. These teams call on corporations and institu­tions, analyse their needs, and provide the appropriate combination of hardware and software. Some compa­nies purchase computer systems and components from a variety of sources. They assemble the components and then sell the finished products to computer users.
Retail outlets play an increasingly important role in the sale of personal computers. Chains of computer stores sell many personal computers. Some general merchandise stores also sell computers, programs, and various accessories.
Service and repair. Because people depend on their computers, it is important to have the machines serviced periodically and repaired promptly when nec­essary. Many computer manufacturers offer service con­tracts that provide for regular maintenance and prompt repairs. When a large computer system breaks down, service technicians must visit the computer itself. Some large businesses and institutions have their own com­puter maintenance staffs.
Many retail outlets that sell personal computers also offer repair service to their customers. These retailers allow their customers to bring computers back to the shop for servicing or repairs.
Careers. There are many career opportunities in the computer industry. Computer engineers are probably the most technically specialized computer experts. Hard­ware engineers design the circuits that are engraved on chips, and they develop and design the wiring that lets information flow smoothly through the computer. Engineers also design the technical aspects of memory, file storage, and peripheral equipment.
Computer programmers write the instructions that make computers operate properly. Systems analysts de­termine the most efficient use of computers for a partic­ular situation. They study entire computer systems— hardware and software—and the purpose a computer is intended to serve.
Software publishers make up another career area. People in this field issue programs, write and edit in­struction manuals, and provide technical services for customers.
Many career opportunities in computers exist outside the computer industry itself. For example, data proces­sors enter information into computers. Workers in many industries oversee the computers that control machines.
Some of the industry's most successful individuals are self-taught. But most computer careers call for a college degree. College courses that help prepare students for careers in computers include programming, electron­ics, systems analysis, and data processing.
The development of the computer
The ideas and inventions of many engineers, mathe­maticians, and scientists led to the development of the computer. The ancient abacus served as the earliest sort of calculating device. But its use was limited by the need to move each counter individually (see Abacus).
Early calculating devices. The first true calculating machines were developed in the 1600's. In 1642, the French mathematician, scientist, and philosopher Blaise Pascal invented the first automatic calculator. The device performed addition and subtraction by means of a set of wheels linked to each other by gears. The first wheel represented the numbers 1 to 10, the second wheel rep­resented 10's, the third stood for 100's, and so on. When the first wheel was turned 10 notches, a gear moved the second wheel forward a single notch. The other wheels became engaged in a similar manner.
In the early 1670's, the German mathematician Gott­fried Wilhelm von Leibniz extended the usefulness of Pascal's calculator. Leibniz's improvements included gear and wheel arrangements that made multiplication and division possible.
Leibniz also sought a counting system that would be easier for a machine to handle than the decimal system. He developed the binary system of mathematics in the late 1600's. Binary mathematics uses only the 0 and the 1 arranging them to represent all numbers.
An important contribution to the development of bi­nary mathematics was made in the mid-1800's by George Boole, an English logician and mathematician. Boole used the binary system to invent a new type of mathematics. Boolean algebra and Boolean logic per­form complex mathematical and logical operations on the symbols O and 1. Thus, a mechanical representation of binary mathematics would require the representation of only those two digits. This advance had a major effect on the development of computer logic and computer languages.
Early punched-card computing devices. A French textile weaver named Joseph Marie Jacquard made the next great contribution to the development of the com­puter. In the weaving process, needles directed thread to produce patterns. In 1801; Jacquard invented the Jac­quard loom, which used punched cards to automate this process for the first time. The cards had patterns of holes punched in them, and were placed between the rising needles and the thread. The presence or absence of a hole could be compared to the two digits of the bi­nary system. Where there were holes, the needles rose and met the thread. Where there were no holes, the needles were blocked. By changing cards and alternat­ing the patterns of punched holes, it became possible to mechanically create complex woven patterns.
The punched cards of the Jacquard loom inspired the English mathematician Charles Babbage. During the 1830's, Babbage developed the idea of a mechanical computer that he called an analytical engine. He worked on the machine for almost 40 years. When performing complex computations or a series of calculations, the analytical engine would store completed sets of punched cards for use in later operations. Babbage's an­alytical engine contained all of the basic elements of an automatic computer—storage, working memory, a sys­tem for moving between the two, and an input device. But the technology of Babbage's time was not advanced enough to provide the precision parts he needed to construct the machine, and he lacked funding for the project. Babbage, like others of his time, also lacked an understanding of the nature and use of electricity.
The first successful computer. In 1888, American inventor and businessman Herman Hollerith devised a punched card system, including the punching equip­ment, for tabulating the results of the United States census (see Census). Hollerith's machines used electrically charged nails that, when passed through a hole punched in a card, created a circuit. The circuits regis­tered on another part of the machine, where they were read and recorded. Hollerith's machines tabulated the results of the 1890 census in the United States, making it the fastest and most economical census to date. In a sin­gle day, 56 of these machines could tabulate census in­formation about more than 6 million people.
Hollerith's tabulator enjoyed widespread success. Governments, institutions, and industries found uses for the machine. In 1896, Hollerith founded the Tabulating Machine Company. He continued to improve his ma­chines during the following years. In 1911, he sold his share of the company. Its name was changed to the Computing-Tabulating-Recording Company (C-T-R). In 1924, the name was changed to International Business Machines Corporation (IBM).
The first analog computer. Vannevar Bush, an American electrical engineer, worked to develop a com­puter that would help scientists. In 1930, he built a de­vice called a differential analyser to solve differential equations. This machine was the first reliable analog computer. It derived measurements from the move­ments of its gears and shafts.
The first electronic computers. Some scientists and engineers saw greater computing potential in elec­tronics. The first special-purpose electronic digital com­puter was constructed in 1939 by John V. Atanasoff, an American mathematician and physicist. In 1944, Howard Aiken, a professor at Harvard University, U.S.A., built an­other early form of digital computer, which he called the Mark I. The operations of this machine were con­trolled chiefly by electromechanical relays (switching devices).
In 1946, two engineers at the University of Pennsylva­nia, U.S.A., J. Presper Eckert, Jr., and John William Mauchly, built the first general-purpose electronic digi­tal computer. They called it ENIAC (Electronic Numeri­cal Integrator And Computer). ENIAC contained about 18,000 electronic valves, which replaced the relays that had controlled the operation of Mark I. The machine weighed more than 27 metric tons, occupied more than 140 square metres of floor space, and consumed 150 kilowatts of electricity during operation. ENIAC oper­ated about 1,000 times as fast as the Mark I. It could per­form about 5,000 additions and 1,000 multiplications per second, and could store parts of its programming.
Although ENIAC performed its work rapidly, pro­gramming the huge machine took a great deal of time. Eckert and Mauchly next worked on developing a com­puter that could store even more of its programming. They worked with John von Neumann, a Hungarian-born American mathematician. Von Neumann helped assem­ble all available knowledge of how the logic of comput­ers should operate. He also helped outline how stored - programming techniques would improve computer per­formance.
In 1951, a computer based on the work of the three men became operational. It was called EDVAC (Electronic Discrete loanable Automatic Computer). EDVAC strongly influenced the design of later computers.
Also in 1951, Eckert and Mauchly invented a more ad­vanced computer called UNIVAC I (UNIVersal Automatic Computer). Within a few years, UNIVAC I became the first commercially available computer. Unlike earlier computers, UNIVAC I handled both numbers and alpha­betical characters equally well. It also was the first com­puter system in which the operations of the input and output equipment were separated from those of the computing unit. UNIVAC I used electronic valves to per­form arithmetic and memory-switching functions.
The first UNIVAC I was installed at the U.S. Bureau of the Census in June 1951. The following year, another UNIVAC I was used to tabulate the results of the United States presidential election. Based on available data, UNIVAC I accurately predicted the election of President Dwight D. Eisenhower less than 45 minutes after the polls closed.
The miniaturization of computer components.
The invention of the transistor in 1947 led to the produc­tion of faster and more reliable electronic computers. Transistors control the flow of electric current in elec­tronic equipment. They soon replaced the bulkier, less reliable electronic valves. In 1958, Control Data Corpora­tion introduced the first fully transistorized computer, designed by American engineer Seymour Cray. IBM in­troduced its first transistorized computers in 1959.
Miniaturization continued with the development of the integrated circuit in the early 1960's. An integrated circuit contains thousands of transistors and other tiny parts on a small silicon chip. This device enabled engi­neers to design both minicomputers and high-speed mainframes with tremendous memory capacities.
Despite the shrinking size of their components, most computers remained relatively large and expensive. But dependence on computers increased dramatically. By the late 1960's, many large businesses relied on comput­ers. Many companies linked their computers together into networks, making it possible for different offices to share information.
During the 1960's, computer technology improved rapidly. Different kinds of circuits were placed on silicon chips. Some of the circuits contained the computer's logic. Other chips held memory. By the early 1970's, the entire workings of a computer could be placed on a handful of chips. As a result, smaller computers became possible. The central chip that controlled the computer became known as a microprocessor.
The personal computer. The first personal com­puter, the Altair, was introduced in 1975. Only electron­ics hobbyists bought these computers.
In 1977, two American students, Steven P. Jobs and Stephen C. Wozniak, founded the Apple Computer Company and introduced the Apple II personal com­puter. The Apple II was much less expensive than main­frames. As a result, computers became available to peo­ple other than computer specialists and technicians. Personal computers were purchased by small and medi­um-sized businesses that could not afford mainframes or did not need the immense computing power that mainframes provided. Millions of individuals, families, and schools also bought them.
In 1981, IBM entered the personal computer market with its PC. The machine was even more successful than the Apple II. Apple scored another success in 1984 with the introduction of its Macintosh, a powerful, easy-to- use desktop computer.
As computer power increased, so did computer speed. These increases were accompanied by a steady reduction in both size and cost. Modern personal com­puters are more powerful than UNIVAC I and can be purchased for less than $1,000.
Computers of the future. Tomorrow's computers will be increasingly powerful. Computer researchers continue to seek ways to develop faster and more pow­erful machines and software. Much software research focuses on the further development of artificial intelli­gence, which is intended to help computers make deci­sions rather than simply to manipulate data. One type of artificial intelligence, the expert system, translates pat­terns of experience into software. An expert system re­sponds to input by asking questions and providing re­sponses. In this manner, it constantly narrows the field of inquiry until a solution is achieved.
Much effort also is being devoted to making comput­ers smaller. In the near future, most experts feel that computers will continue to be built from integrated cir­cuits. But some scientists foresee the production of bio­logical computers, which will be grown rather than manufactured. In addition, some experts believe that computer technology will develop methods of storing data on individual molecules. A molecular storage sys­tem could contain all of the knowledge of the human race in a space smaller than a paperback book.
Problems of the computer age
Because computers provide such convenient storage for large amounts of information, less and less informa­tion is stored on paper. Much of the convenience of computers stems from their ability to form networks by means of telephone lines. But a computer that makes up part of a network resembles a room with many doors. Intruders who slip through these "doors" are difficult to trace. For this reason, computer designers work to safe­guard stored information from unauthorized access, as well as from system breakdown or failure.
Computers and privacy. Many people fear that their right to privacy is threatened by the possible misuse or unauthorized disclosure of information in computer databases. Databases often contain private and personal information, such as medical, banking, or tax records. Other databases pertain to business plans or inventions that a company must conceal from competing compa­nies. Still other databases store top-secret military infor­mation or other kinds of data important to a nation's se­curity. Today, laws control the disclosure of data.
Computers and security. Computer operating sys­tems are designed to prevent unauthorized entry into a computer, but computer crimes sometimes occur. In­dustrial spies and thieves often use telephone lines to gain access to computers. Some of these criminals steal or change the information in a computer database. Oth­ers steal money by using the capability of computers to transfer funds electronically from one account to an­other. Major problems can result if someone obtains illegal access to secret information in government or corporate databases. Sometimes, people within an or­ganization commit computer crimes. Other crimes are committed by outsiders who create chaos by breaking into computer systems.
In the late 1980's, computer experts became aware of a dangerous type of program called a computer virus. A computer virus is designed to do mischief, sometimes by deleting or changing information and sometimes by simply inserting a message. A virus eventually enters a computer's operating system. It spreads by rapidly mak­ing copies of itself, thus "infecting" the other computer systems in a network. This process can quickly overload huge computer networks.
Various methods help safeguard computer systems and databases. Protective measures are built into many computer operating systems to prevent access by invad­ers. Many computers require a user to enter a secret password. Some systems automatically scramble infor­mation so that it can only be decoded by authorized personnel. Careful protection of these passwords and codes helps decrease the likelihood of illegal access.
Other problems. Computers are valuable in many ways. But if a computer breaks or is damaged, the peo­ple who rely on it face great difficulties. Until the com­puter is fixed, these people may be worse off than if they never had a computer at all. For example, informa­tion may be lost if a computer system suffers damage in a natural disaster, such as a fire or flood. Computer breakdowns and faulty programming in business organizations delay transactions, disrupt work, and create in­conveniences for consumers. An undetected computer malfunction at an air traffic control centre could cause a collision. A computer failure at a national defence instal­lation could have even more serious consequences.
Computers, together with their programs, are the most complicated machines in history — and, arguably, the most useful. Modern industrial societies depend on computers in the home, school, and workplace. As com­puters become more powerful and widespread, com­puter education must continue to increase as well.

Related articles:
Animation (Computer anima­tion; picture)
Artificial intelligence
Babbage, Charles
Bar coding
Bush, Vannevar

The importance of the computer
Solving numerical problems
Storing and retrieving information
Creating and displaying documents and pictures D. Other uses
Basic principles of computers
How a computer operates
Computer hardware and software
Kinds of computers
Embedded computers
Personal computers and workstations C Mainframes
How a computer works
Entering and encoding data and instructions
Processing data
Decoding the results and producing output D. Storing information
Programming a computer
Preparing a program
Using programming languages
The computer industry
Research and           
Service and repair development
The development of the computer
Problems of the computer age
Computers and privacy
Other problems
Computers and security

What is an expert system?
How does the binary system differ from the decimal system?
What role does the digital logic unit play in processing?
How do scientists use computers to develop theories?
What is an operating system?
How has the transistor affected computer technology?

Personal Computer
A personal computer system. A personal computer system has many uses in businesses and in the home. The parts that make up such a system vary according to the needs of the user. The illustration below shows some of the hardware in a basic personal computer system.

What is a computer virus?
How does a modem work?
Why can mainframes satisfy the needs of many users at once?
Why did the computer industry's rate of growth increase dra­matically during the late 1970's?

Personal Computer is a desktop or handheld com­puter designed for general-purpose use. Personal computers are used by individuals, families, schools, or companies for such purposes as keeping records, writ­ing reports, learning a new subject, playing games, pro­gramming, or even running household appliances.
All computers store and handle information. Many large businesses use large, expensive computers that must be shared by a number of people to be economi­cal. Personal computers, however, are smaller than such business computers, because they are equipped with one or more microprocessors. Microprocessors, which were introduced in 1971, are miniature electronic de­vices that can handle many of the same tasks as a large computer, though more slowly and with smaller amounts of information. The development of microproc­essors led to a reduction in the cost of computers and thus made it possible for computers to be purchased by individuals, schools, and small companies.
Uses of a personal computer
Like other computers, personal computers can be in­structed to perform a variety of individual functions. A set of instructions that tells a computer what to do is called a program. Today, more than 10,000 application programs are available for use on personal computers. They include such popular programs as word process­ing programs, spreadsheet programs, database pro­grams, and communication programs.
Word processing programs are used to type, correct, rearrange, or delete text in letters, memos, reports, and school assignments. Spreadsheet programs enable indi­viduals to prepare tables easily. The users of such pro­grams establish rules for handling large groups of num­bers. For example, using a spreadsheet program, a person can enter some numbers into a table and the program will calculate and fill in the rest of the table. When the user changes one number in the table, the other numbers will change according to the rules estab­lished by that user. Spreadsheets may be used for pre­paring budgets and financial plans, balancing a cheque­book, or keeping track of personal investments.
Database programs allow a computer to store large amounts of data (information) in a systematic way. Such data might include the name, address, telephone num­ber, salary, and starting date of every employee in a company. The computer could then be asked to pro­duce a list of all employees who receive a certain salary.
Communication programs connect a personal com­puter to other computers. People can thereby exchange information with one another via their personal comput­ers. In addition, communication programs enable peo­ple to link their personal computers with databanks. Databanks are huge collections of information stored in large centralized computers. News, financial and travel information, and other data of interest to many users can be obtained from a databank.
Other programs include recreational and educational programs for playing games, composing and hearing music, and learning a variety of subjects. Programs have also been written that turn household appliances on and off. Some people develop their own programs to meet needs not covered by commercially prepared programs. Others buy personal computers mainly to learn about computers and howto program them.
The physical equipment that makes up a computer vstem is called hardware. The two most important nieces of hardware are the primary memory and the nrocessor. The primary memory, sometimes called the main memory, stores information and programs in the computer. The processor in a personal computer is a microprocessor. It carries out programs and transforms information. Adding or subtracting numbers, arranging text, and producing pictures and sounds are all ways the processor transforms data. A processor works very fast.
It can carry out more than 5 million logical operations in a single second.
Equipment other than the processor and primary memory is called peripheral hardware, and the individ­ual devices are sometimes called peripherals. Peripheral hardware includes input devices, output devices, sec­ondary memories, and communication devices.
Input devices are used for entering data and pro­grams into the computer. A keyboard for typing words and numbers—and thus entering them into the computer—is one of the most common input devices. A mouse can also be used to give commands to a com­puter. When this handheld box is moved on a flat sur­face, it causes a pointer to point at a specific instruction or other data displayed on a computer screen. Clicking a button on the mouse causes the instruction to be car­ried out or the data to be selected for use elsewhere. Other input devices include a joystick for moving fig­ures about on a screen and a graphic tablet consisting of a pad and a "wired" pen for producing illustrations.
Output devices let a person get information from the computer. They include a monitor (television screen) for showing text and pictures, a printer for producing data on paper, a plotter for making drawings, and a speaker for producing sounds.
A secondary memory, also called an auxiliary memory or mass storage, is used for storing data and programs for long periods of time. Secondary memories are gen­erally bigger and less expensive—but slower—than the main memory, which is built into the computer itself.
The two chief kinds of secondary memory are magnetic disks and magnetic tapes. The disks are much faster than the tapes. Some disks, called floppy disks or disket­tes, are made of flexible material and can be removed from the disk drives that operate them. Diskettes can store about 1 million characters (letters or numbers). Other disks, called hard disks, hold tens of millions of characters and generally are not removable. They are often installed in the same case as the processor. Hard disks are more expensive than floppy disks, but they are faster and more convenient. All the computer's pro­grams and other data can be kept on a hard disk so that they can all be used without having to change disks.
Communication devices connect computers to one another. These devices include modems, which connect a computer to a telephone. Modems enable a computer to transmit data to other computers via telephone lines or other communications networks, and to receive data from distant computers. Communication devices called local area networks connect computers in the same building directly to one another. They provide much faster communication than do modems.
The programs that tell various parts of a computer what to do are called software. A program is made up of many instructions that direct a variety of activities. For example, some tell the processor to move data from one part of the computer to another, such as from the key­board to the primary or secondary memory. Others con­trol how the computer transforms information. In addi­tion, they tell the computer to remember as a single new instruction a program made up of many old in­structions. Whenever the new instruction, called a pro­cedure, is used, all the old instructions are carried out.
The instructions used to write a program make up a programming language. There are several levels of in­creasingly easy-to-use programming languages, from machine language through assembly language to higher level languages. Fligher level languages are easy to use because they allow the user to give the computer such commands as draw a circle, move this paragraph, or print this letter. For more information on programming languages, see Computer (Programming a computer).
How to choose a personal computer
The chief factors involved in the selection of a per­sonal computer are the buyer's needs and budget. For example, before choosing a personal computer, you need to know whether you plan to use it mainly for one purpose—such as word processing—or for many differ­ent purposes. Different software is available for different types of computers, and so the types of functions a par­ticular computer can perform vary. In addition, the amount of memory in the computer determines the length of a program that a computer can handle as well as the speed with which the computer will work. If you wish to run useful programs, you will need a computer with a memory of at least 256K. Such a computer is able to store more than 256,000 characters in primary mem­ory. For more specialized programs, you may need as many as 1 million characters in primary memory.
Needs and budget also influence the selection of the peripheral hardware. A computer system that uses a home television screen will be less expensive than one with its own monitor screen. A television screen, how­ever, will not be as clear or show as much text as a mon­itor. Also, if you want to draw pictures or graphs, you should choose a computer and screen that can handle graphics and perhaps colour.
To get a paper copy of work done by the computer, you will need a printer. Inexpensive printers are slow, printing about 30 characters per second. The printed copy may also be hard to read. Letter-quality printers can be faster and can produce better-quality copy than other printers, but are more expensive.
If you plan to write long reports or wish to handle a large amount of data, you should have a two-diskette system. Copying information and programs from one diskette to another is much easier and faster with this system. Or, you may decide to buy a computer with a hard disk for handling large amounts of data.
To send electronic mail to other computer users or to use information from databanks, you will need a modem. Modems vary in cost and in the speed at which they transmit information.
During the 1940's, scientists developed the transistor, a tiny device that controls electronic signals. By the early 1960's, researchers had succeeded in building inte­grated circuits by arranging thousands of transistors and other electronic parts on tiny slices of silicon called silicon chips. The first microprocessors were produced in 1971. The development of microprocessors made small, inexpensive microcomputers such as personal computers possible.
Electronic games played with a television set pro­vided one of the first popular uses for microcomputer technology. During the early 1970's, manufacturers began selling personal computers. See also Computer; Integrated circuit; Microproces­sor.
Computer graphics are images created by a com­puter. These images include diagrams, cartoon anima­tions, and even highly realistic pictures. The process by which computers draw, colour, shade, and manipulate images is also known as computer graphics. Computer graphics enable us to gather, display, and understand information quickly and effectively. Computer graphics can even produce images of objects and processes that we have no other way of seeing, such as the inside of a molecule or the operation of a black hole.
Computer graphics have numerous uses in a wide va­riety of fields. Businesses follow sales from charts and graphs made by computers. Computer graphics help engineers create and test designs for such products as cars and aircraft. Through computer graphics, architects can view building designs drawn in three dimensions from any angle. Scientists use computer graphics to de­sign new drug molecules, track weather systems, and test theories that describe how galaxies develop. Doc­tors use computer images of the inside of the body to locate tumours and other disorders and plan treatment (see Computerized tomography (CT)). Computer graph­ics are also used in art, in the production of cartoons and special effects in films, and in video games.
Computer graphics are created on a computer dis­play screen, which resembles a television screen. The screen consists of thousands of tiny dots called picture elements, or pixels. You can see individual pixels by looking closely at the letters that appear on a computer screen. A computer can turn each pixel on and off like a light bulb to make a pattern. Different combinations of pixels can produce any picture we want.
All computers need a program that tells them what to do. A computer graphics program directs the drawing on a computer's screen. The program may generate the image itself or it may copy an image from another source. For example, a program that draws molecules might start by solving equations that describe molecular structure. It can then use the solutions to display the shape of a molecule. But a program that copies a photo­graph might first convert points on the image into a list of numbers. The numbers can then instruct the com­puter which pixels to turn on and off. See also Computer (The importance of the computer).
Computerized tomography (CT) is an X-ray sys­tem used to produce images of various parts of the body, such as the head, heart, and abdomen. Doctors use CT images to help diagnose and treat diseases. The technique is also called computer tomography or com­puterized axial tomography (CA T).
To produce a CT image, the patient lies on a table that passes through a circular scanning machine called a gantry. The table is positioned so that the organ to be scanned lies in the centre of the gantry. A tube on the gantry beams X rays through the patient's body and into special detectors that analyse the image produced. The gantry rotates around the patient to obtain many images from different angles. A computer then processes the information from the detectors to produce a cross­ sectional image on a video screen. By moving the table in the gantry, doctors can obtain many scans of the same organ or even the entire body.
Sometimes an iodine solution, called a contrast agent, is injected into the body to make certain organs show up clearly in the CT scan. For scans of the abdomen and pelvis, the patient drinks a barium mixture (which is opaque to X rays) to outline the inner surfaces of the stomach and bowel.
Doctors use CT scans to diagnose many conditions, such as tumours, infections, blood clots, and broken bones. CT also assists in treating some diseases that might otherwise require surgery. For example, doctors can use a CT scan to guide catheters (small tubes) to an abscess in the body and drain pus from the infected area. See also Radiology; X ray.

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